Over the past week we have seen so many people take a stand against the evil that is racism. We have seen a man that was senselessly killed as he begged for breath. Tragically George Floyd was not the first to die because of his race, but I hope and pray he was the last. This is not a time for the church of Jesus Christ to stay silent and we cannot neglect our responsibility to speak up about injustice.
Racism has never and will never be part of the Gospel of Christ and I want to be a pastor that first of all LISTENS and then LEARNS as we move forward together. Life Church was birthed on the foundations of Jesus’ teaching that “we go into all the world preaching the gospel” that means every race, colour and creed are equally a part of our church.
We will not tolerate racism in any form and have zero tolerance for it in our church and culture. I want you to know that I’m committed to have the difficult conversations, that may be uncomfortable for some, to take this forward and challenge where necessary.
In the book of Galatians 3:28 it reads “There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
God doesn’t see the labels that we may put on each other but he does see injustice. We are called above all else to love God and love people, that’s our mandate and our passion. As a church lets continue to keep praising, keep worshipping and keep believing together.Be blessed
Aaron Partington Senior Pastor
About Life Church
Life Church is based on the Wirral, UK. We have two locations in Bebington on the Wirral and Neston in Cheshire West.
Offices at 1a Old Chester Road, Bebington, Wirral. CH63 7LA | Copyright Life Church Wirral 2023 | Registered UK Charity 1196438. | An AOG Church| Cookie Policy